15 April 2007

Frustrated City Gardeners

At first, when I saw a lady who lives across the street carrying pot after pot of flowers to be arranged outside her door, I thought "Poor thing, she misses green space. She needs a schooltuin." After a couple more days, I felt like joining her.

This gal's horde of flowers (and thus her self) have been getting plenty of attention from the neighbors, some of whom I never even noticed in the winter. Multiple people have been stopping to chat with her about the flower set-up, which is certainly not a normal occurence around these parts. Saying hello is definitely not the Amsterdam standard.

These friendly folk who are chatting up my neighbor include a cute guy (perhaps wearing the hot pink thong for bending over and two-inch heel boots is not impractical after all...). This guy was even sweeping up for her during an intermission from his reading on a bench.

Unfortunately, I live on the first floor of my building (which is the second floor in the U.S.). Otherwise, I might consider starting my own urban garden -- they seem to have a "kindness" effect.

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