30 June 2007

Of grandmas, $20 bills, and Hello Kitty stationary...three fundamental pieces of my life

This is kind of a random (read: dorky) post, but I was SO happy to get a letter from my 86-year-old grandma! Headed "Dearest Katherine," it was written in cursive (getting pretty rare, isn't it?) and came complete with a $20 bill. Man. No one can do a better love letter than grandmas, can they? My favorite part is where she writes at the top of page 3, "You're probably getting tired by now", before continuing for four more pages.

My other grandmother and I used to send letters back and forth also, always making up stories about these owl magnets on her fridge that I particularly liked. When I was at her house, I moved them in different arrangements everyday (hey, this was in rural Arkansas...not like there was that much entertainment), and so we would exchange jokes about their covert movements when I was not there. Well...it was pretty fun at age 11!

Aside from grandmas, I have tried to send nice love packages to my b.f. out there in the subconty, but unfortunately my attempts get partly or wholly sabatoged. The first package made it there but not without some items being stolen. Even the letter in my Hello Kitty stationary was opened; they were obviously looking for one of grandma's $20's, not considering that grandma probably isn't into Kitty.

The second package that I tried to send is sadly MIA. I hope the folks at the Hyderabad (or somewhere-ville) postal service are satisfied with my chocolate oatmeal cookies, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5, and MAD Magazine's issue with the grinning flower child on the cover. I wonder if they recited my letter aloud while sitting around, dipping the cookies in milk? Hopefully they got some good laughs out of my letter, if nothing else. I mean, somebody may as well enjoy the love...grumble, grumble.

So the point of this pointless post would be....I value letters and packages. Um, that's it. On that note, I'm signing out...cambio y fuera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Attention!!!Attention!!!News flash 2 months to late!!!!Attention!!!Attention!!!!

In regards to young Miss Katehrine Earheart's concerns over missing package, the following should be informed:

Mr. Mario Ordonez was delighted to:
*Hear the words, Mario, package for you, and see your name as the sender
*Enjoy several otherwise tedious bus and rickshaw rides while leafing through MAD and SlaughterHouse 5.
* Get laughs out of the letter
* Eat chocolate oatmeal cookies(dipped in milk, off course) after a spicy indian meal.
* Enjoyed all the love in the package

With this news briefing hope your concerns will be finished.

